This module provides a wrapper around the PubChem PUG_REST API.
Data for compounds can be accessed using the
The following table lists the various properties that can be obtained from the PubChem API:
Click to expand
Property |
Description |
MolecularFormula |
Molecular formula. |
MolecularWeight |
The molecular weight is the sum of all atomic weights of the constituent atoms in a compound, measured in g/mol. In the absence of explicit isotope labelling, averaged natural abundance is assumed. If an atom bears an explicit isotope label, 100% isotopic purity is assumed at this location. |
CanonicalSMILES |
Canonical SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System) string. It is a unique SMILES string of a compound, generated by a “canonicalization” algorithm. |
IsomericSMILES |
Isomeric SMILES string. It is a SMILES string with stereochemical and isotopic specifications. |
InChI |
Standard IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI). It does not allow for user selectable options in dealing with the stereochemistry and tautomer layers of the InChI string. |
InChIKey |
Hashed version of the full standard InChI, consisting of 27 characters. |
Chemical name systematically determined according to the IUPAC nomenclatures. |
XLogP |
Computationally generated octanol-water partition coefficient or distribution coefficient. XLogP is used as a measure of hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity of a molecule. |
ExactMass |
The mass of the most likely isotopic composition for a single molecule, corresponding to the most intense ion/molecule peak in a mass spectrum. |
MonoisotopicMass |
The mass of a molecule, calculated using the mass of the most abundant isotope of each element. |
Topological polar surface area, computed by the algorithm described in the paper by Ertl et al. |
Complexity |
The molecular complexity rating of a compound, computed using the Bertz/Hendrickson/Ihlenfeldt formula. |
Charge |
The total (or net) charge of a molecule. |
HBondDonorCount |
Number of hydrogen-bond donors in the structure. |
HBondAcceptorCount |
Number of hydrogen-bond acceptors in the structure. |
RotatableBondCount |
Number of rotatable bonds. |
HeavyAtomCount |
Number of non-hydrogen atoms. |
IsotopeAtomCount |
Number of atoms with enriched isotope(s) |
AtomStereoCount |
Total number of atoms with tetrahedral (sp3) stereo [e.g., (R)- or (S)-configuration] |
DefinedAtomStereoCount |
Number of atoms with defined tetrahedral (sp3) stereo. |
UndefinedAtomStereoCount |
Number of atoms with undefined tetrahedral (sp3) stereo. |
BondStereoCount |
Total number of bonds with planar (sp2) stereo [e.g., (E)- or (Z)-configuration]. |
DefinedBondStereoCount |
Number of atoms with defined planar (sp2) stereo. |
UndefinedBondStereoCount |
Number of atoms with undefined planar (sp2) stereo. |
CovalentUnitCount |
Number of covalently bound units. |
Volume3D |
Analytic volume of the first diverse conformer (default conformer) for a compound. |
XStericQuadrupole3D |
The x component of the quadrupole moment (Qx) of the first diverse conformer (default conformer) for a compound. |
YStericQuadrupole3D |
The y component of the quadrupole moment (Qy) of the first diverse conformer (default conformer) for a compound. |
ZStericQuadrupole3D |
The z component of the quadrupole moment (Qz) of the first diverse conformer (default conformer) for a compound. |
FeatureCount3D |
Total number of 3D features (the sum of FeatureAcceptorCount3D, FeatureDonorCount3D, FeatureAnionCount3D, FeatureCationCount3D, FeatureRingCount3D and FeatureHydrophobeCount3D) |
FeatureAcceptorCount3D |
Number of hydrogen-bond acceptors of a conformer. |
FeatureDonorCount3D |
Number of hydrogen-bond donors of a conformer. |
FeatureAnionCount3D |
Number of anionic centers (at pH 7) of a conformer. |
FeatureCationCount3D |
Number of cationic centers (at pH 7) of a conformer. |
FeatureRingCount3D |
Number of rings of a conformer. |
FeatureHydrophobeCount3D |
Number of hydrophobes of a conformer. |
ConformerModelRMSD3D |
Conformer sampling RMSD in Å. |
EffectiveRotorCount3D |
Total number of 3D features (the sum of FeatureAcceptorCount3D, FeatureDonorCount3D, FeatureAnionCount3D, FeatureCationCount3D, FeatureRingCount3D and FeatureHydrophobeCount3D) |
ConformerCount3D |
The number of conformers in the conformer model for a compound. |
Fingerprint2D |
Base64-encoded PubChem Substructure Fingerprint of a molecule. |
This package has the following additional requirements:
cawdrey>=0.1.7 mathematical>=0.1.13 pillow>=7.0.0 pyparsing>=2.4.6 tabulate>=0.8.9
These can be installed as follows:
python -m pip install chemistry-tools[pubchem]